Opens the deep link into the Settings app the Wallet and Apple Pay section, allowing you to swap out the default card uses for payments.
For a given contact, asks you to enter a payment amount (which is then divided by 2), then asks for a description, and sends the split total as a payment to the contact.
Asks you to select a contact, then fill out the charge description and value before requesting a payment via Apple Pay.
Opens the Chat tab of Bluesky so you can see your messages, start a new chat, and change your chat settings.
Opens the Inbox list in the Reminders app where you can see reminders added with Siri.
Takes two dates chosen as input and calculates the duration in seconds between thme – works as a Unix timestamp converter.
Adds a pre-set list of names as new Lists on Mastodon.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
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