Opens the deep link into the Settings app the Wallet and Apple Pay section, allowing you to swap out the default card uses for payments.
Asks you to select a contact, then fill out the charge description and value before requesting a payment via Apple Pay.
For a given contact, asks you to enter a payment amount (which is then divided by 2), then asks for a description, and sends the split total as a payment to the contact.
Opens a custom “Screenshots” folder located in the Shortcuts folder in iCloud Drive.
Turns Night Shift on or off depending on the current state, removing the blue light accordin
Opens the Srore tab of the TV app to show the top TV shows and Movies that are on sale.
Creates a new blank contact in the Contacts app, so you can use the app UI to enter in details.
Opens ChatGPT and activates the voice conversation feature, letting you talk hands-free with ChatGPT and have it respond with voice.
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