Copy to Clipboard
Copies the result of the last action to the clipboard.
Takes the input from the Share sheet or clipboard, lets you choose from UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalizing Every Word, swapping to Title Case, or swapping to Sentence case, and copies it to your clipboard.
Prompts you to pick replacement text and which words to be replaced, then finds it and swaps it out for your choice.
Asks for text, then converts it to the NATO Alphabet to read out “Apple” like “Alfa Papa Papa Lima Echo.”
Contains a dictionary of names and symbols that, when passed into Choose From List, becomes selectable – for whichever option is chosen, the corresponding symbol will be passed out and copied to the clipboard.
Corrects the spelling of the text shared as input or from your clipboard, then presents it a prompt to confirm before copying.
Opens the Discord app to the Relay.FM community, then Relay.FM or live where I can start a live show.
Asks you to enter the text of your post, then URL encodes the result and passes it to Threads’ URL scheme for creating posts. On Mac, copies the result and opens
Starts the top episode in your Favorites station in the Podcasts app.
Gets the RSS feed from the Shortcut Input and copies the URL to the clipboard.
Takes an image from Photos or Files and encodes it into a long string of characters than be decoded back into the original image.
Uses the Transistor API to look at your show data, gets the first show, and extracts the ID for use in your other shortcuts.
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