Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Runs a networkQuality shell script on macOS, or opens SpeedTest.net on iOS.
Opens the deep link into the WiFi settings on iOS or the Network settings on macOS.
Flips the Wi-Fi state on or off (depending on where it’s currently set).
Gets the Wi-Fi network’s name, turns the Wi-Fi off, and tells you which network you just disconnected from.
Turns the Wi-Fi on, waits a second, and shows the currently-connected network’s name.
Gets the daily forecast, asks you to choose dates, then gets Golden Hour times for each day.
Opens the Developement section of Mastodon settings to your Applications.
Sends a remote command to a Mac to wake up, then simulates keystrokes to keep it awake.
Turns on the Apple TV and opens the Fireplace app, plus shows the remote.
Opens the curated section of Amazon that suggests products based on your past purchase and browsing history.
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