Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Activates Sidecar for an iPad mini near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
Sets up dual monitors side-by-side, plus asks for an additional screen on the right and on the bottom for a Mac Mini or MacBook or iPad combo.
Asks you to pick a screen for the top and bottom of a vertical arrangement.
Organizes my display arrangement with my dual monitors side-by-side on top and an iPad activated with Sidecar beneath.
Activates Sidecar for an iPad Pro near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
Organizes my display arrangement so my vertical monitor is arranged evenly with a horizontal monitor, plus an iPad active on Sidecar beneath.
Opens the “Displays” preference pane in System Settings so you can click Arrange to see your display setup.
Opens the TV app to the dedicated section for Major League Soccer.
Opens the Portrait camera to the Selfie mode – my preferred way to take selfies, but one I forget to use (until now).
Asks for input, extracts the archive, and asks you where to save the new files.
Asks you to pick from tasks assigned to Today and opens any URLs in the Notes.
Asks you to choose a Reminders list, then reminders from that list, then exports them into Things and deletes the originals.
Opens the YouTube section for purchased movies, including films synced with Movies Anywhere.
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