Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Activates Sidecar for an iPad mini near your Mac. Works remotely from iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and HomePod using Siri over SSH.
Organizes my dual-monitor setup to align side-by-side. When not run from Mac, works remotely using SSH.
Organizes my display arrangement so my vertical monitor is arranged evenly with a horizontal monitor, plus an iPad active on Sidecar beneath.
Asks you to pick a screen for the top and bottom of a vertical arrangement.
Sets up dual monitors side-by-side, plus asks for an additional screen on the right and on the bottom for a Mac Mini or MacBook or iPad combo.
Rotates my left monitor to landscape orientation (for times when I switch it back from its vertical setup).
Sets up a dual-monitor + iPad-on-stand using Sidecar arrangement for my desk.
Opens the deep link into the General channel in the private Discord for members of Club MacStories. Join Club MacStories for access: https: or or club.macstories.net
Opens the Wallet app to the gift card of your choice – perhaps your favorite coffee chain.
Takes a location shared as input, or if none, the current location, and opens the webpage in a popover so you can see the WalkScore of the neighborhood. Shows how easy it is to walk around, the access to transit, and how bicycle-friendly the roads are.
Opens Alto’s Adventure on the Apple TV and shows the remote control on your phone.
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