Creates daily consecutive events, starting with today.
Asks you to pick a day, then calculates the time in between events and copies it so you can share it. Be sure to add filters for your specific calendars.
Lets you create a new event or pick an existing one, has you choose contacts, then adds them to event (sending out invites automatically).
Transfers events for the next day from one calendar to another.
Uses the “View Tomorrow” donated shortcut from Calendar app to open into the next day.
Build out a series of calendar events for any TV show that comes out on a weekly basis.
Opens the deep link into Setitngs > Siri and Search > Siri Voice to let you change between the America, Australian, British, Indian, Irish, or South African variety and Voices 1-5.
Opens the Search page in the TV app, letting you quickly type out a query or pick from their curated categories.
Turns on Endel’s “Recovery Time” mode aimed at helping you actively relax when you need it.
Asks you to enter a hashtag, then opens the deep link for the hashtag in TikTok.
Prompts for dictation, then starts a timer for the given number of minutes.
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