Create blank layout
Creates a blank document without any paragraph formatting – good for making an empty page to fill with shapes, images, or other Pages capabilities.
Creates a template in Pages set to an outline mode for taking notes.
Creates a blank document without any paragraph formatting – good for making an empty page to fill with shapes, images, or other Pages capabilities.
Creates a new, empty document in the Pages app, skipping the template or file picker.
Opens a specified Pages document of your choice. Works well for your current in-progress doc.
Adds a custom template to Pages. To set up a doc, use File > Save as Template, then find the template name in the Create Template action.
Presents a detailed series of menus grouping Pages templates by the categories found in the template picker. If you prefer one set, copy the submenu into another shortcut.
Gets the contents of the Pages folder in iCloud Drive, presents the options, and opens your document of choice.
Takes a pre-written email signature written in Markdown and converts it to rich text, then copies to it the clipboard to be pasted into the body an email.
Connects to AirPods Max using Set Playback Destination. Uses AirBuddy when run from Mac.
Presents a menu of apps compatible with picture-in-picture, waits 30 seconds for you to pick a video, then goes to the Home Screen to pop out the video.
Scrapes a Threads post, gets the embed code using the URL and username, and copies it to the clipboard.
Opens the main Home tab of the TV app where you can view and add content to your Up Next queue.
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