Repeat with Each
Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list.
Dictates text, then splits it by new lines and adds them to Reminders in your groceries list.
Waits a few seconds (to close the shortcut), takes a screenshot, waits for you to return to Shortcuts, then asks you to enter the title before adding it to Reminders.
Prompts you to pick reminders, then a contact, then assigns those reminder to show up when you’re messaging that person.
Takes URLs from input or your clipboard and adds them to Reminders with the page name as the reminder title.
Gets an app shared from input or the clipboard, then adds it to a Reminders list using its App Store details.
Sets a reminder a little over an hour from now so that you can unload the dishes.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for the Boiler Room, a series of shows for underground dance music with a webam showing the set.
Sets a reminder a little over an hour from now so that you can unload the dishes.
Asks you to enter your query, then encodes the text and opens the URL on Apple’s website to the search results.
Asks you which folder to open, then prompts for a name and creates a new shortcut with that title in that folder.
Plays tracks from the New Music Mix updated every Friday in Apple Music.
Activates the “Sleep” soundscape generated by the Endel app’s shortcut, triggering soothing audio sounds that aid in falling asleep.
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