Open Nat Geo on Disney Plus
Opens the National Geographic category in Disney+ to show content on topics like animals, space, and world history.
Opens the Search tab of Disney+.
Opens the National Geographic category in Disney+ to show content on topics like animals, space, and world history.
Opens the page to let you decide which person is watching on Disney+
Opens the Pixar brand category in the Disney+ app to show content like Toy Story and Monster’s Inc.
Opens the special Disney category in Disney+ to show their own-branded material like movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Opens Disney+ to the Series page where you can see their TV shows.
Opens the “Edit Profiles” page which lets you select between your profiles and change the details.
Turns the studio lights to softer color temperatures and turns off all the lights in the rest of the houhse.
Review the current status of your recent Apple Store order. This shortcut works with the Apple Store app to see where your latest order is at — order placed, shipping, out for delivery, etc.
Opens the Settings app to the FaceTime category where you can control incoming calls, announce calls, where you can be reached, Live Captions, and Eye Contact.
Asks you to enter a destination and the number of people, then requests a ride using your app of choice.
Opens the deep link into Setitngs > Siri and Search > Siri Voice to let you change between the America, Australian, British, Indian, Irish, or South African variety and Voices 1-5.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + Shift + Option + C to copy the URL of the current session at your specific timestamp to your clipboard, so you can jump back to that moment at any time.
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