Open Disney Plus movies
Opens the Movies category on Disney+ to show feature films from the servi
Shows the Star Wars category of content in Disney+ like the three trilogies, TV shows, or animated serie
Opens the Movies category on Disney+ to show feature films from the servi
Opens the Pixar brand category in the Disney+ app to show content like Toy Story and Monster’s Inc.
Opens your personal Disney+ account – when show from web, shows billing details not shown on iOS.
Opens the page to let you decide which person is watching on Disney+
Opens Disney+ to the Series page where you can see their TV shows.
Opens the National Geographic category in Disney+ to show content on topics like animals, space, and world history.
Opens Amazon to the Digital Content page of “Manage Your Content and Devices” to show your Kindle books.
Sheila Rubin is a quietly tormented housewife in ’80s San Diego. Behind closed doors, she battles extreme personal demons and a vicious inner voice. But things change when she discovers aerobics, sparking a journey toward empowerment and success.
Asks you to select an image from Photos or Files, then some associated text, then attaches it to a new entry in the Journal app.
Scrapes text from input and looks for strings formatted as phone numbers.
Shows you the duration and remaining time for the current timer – uses Timery to format the remaining time nicely.
Records normal-quality audio on tap, lets you trim the result, and saves it to a folder of your choice.
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