Repeat with Each
Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list.
Adds a pre-set list of names as new Lists on Mastodon.
Isolates a Mastodon handle from a link and looks up the account identifier.
Asks you to enter the name for a new list, then creates it using the Mastodon API.
Pulls your List data from the Mastodon APi, then opens the deep link into Ivory for that list.
Pulls your List data from the Mastodon API and lets you choose one to open.
Grabs the account from any Mastodon link and lets you pick which Lists to add them to.
Stores your List:Read token for the Mastodon API to reuse in other shortcuts.
Prompts you to pick a Focus that stays on until you leave the current location.
Gets the next-most calendar event and asks you to pick a Focus to set until the event ends.
Toggles a smart switch by checking its current power state and turning it off or back on accordingly.
Copies any input to the clipboard, then uses Run Script over SSH to send it directly to a Mac.
Takes PNGs from input, resizes them to 2048px wide, appends a number for each image found, and asks you where to save it in Files.
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