Open Disney Plus account
Opens your personal Disney+ account – when show from web, shows billing details not shown on iOS.
Opens the page to let you decide which person is watching on Disney+
Opens your personal Disney+ account – when show from web, shows billing details not shown on iOS.
Shows the Star Wars category of content in Disney+ like the three trilogies, TV shows, or animated serie
Opens the “Edit Profiles” page which lets you select between your profiles and change the details.
Shows your Watchlist of movies and series saved for lon Disney+.
Opens Marvel-branded content on Disney+ like The Avengers movies.
Takes an image from Photos or Files and encodes it into a long string of characters than be decoded back into the original image.
Using a given username, opens the link to any profile on Bluesky.
Opens into the Health app to Browse > Body Measurements to display data like weight, BMI, body fat percentage, or stats like waist circumference.
Opens the Clock app to the Alarm tab to show your alarms and sleep info.
Prompts you to name a shortcut to demonstrate a bug and file as Feedback.
Opens to the main Summary tab of the Health app where you can notifications, pinned categories, Trends, Highlights, Articles, and ways to get more from Health.
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