Minimize window
Uses AppleScript to trigger Command + M to minimize the current window into the Dock.
Enables “Slow Genie” minimizing by using the shell to rewrite a hidden system preference.
Uses AppleScript to trigger Command + M to minimize the current window into the Dock.
Simulates the key command for ⌘+⌃+F (Command + Control + F) to maximize the window to fullscreen.
Saves the current window arrangement as a JSON dictionary of data in the Files app.
Simulates the universal key command for the opening an app’s preferences: ⌘+,
Pulls the temperature and humidity from the Eve Room. Also works with HomePod mini.
Searches for a note called “Links of the Week” and appends the shortcut input or clipboard text to the end in the Notes app.
Template for shortcut that performs different steps on different platforms for a universal app.
Opens the Books app, then prompts you to confirm setting orientation lock so the screen doesn’t rotate. When run from Mac, opens the app in fullscreen.
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