Opens Fandango to the section with movies available to go see now in theaters.
Gets your current ZIP code, then opens Fandango to movie times in your area.
Opens the Fandango app when run from iPhone or when run from other devices.
Opens the “Movie News” section of Fandango to show reporting on upcoming films.
Shows your recent movie ticket to be scanned by the ticket taker – or tap to open your ticket details.
Asks you to enter a query, then reformats it for Fandango’s search results and opens the URL into the app or website.
Checks for a movie calendar event (automatically added via Gmail when you purchase tickets) and presents the total travel time estimates, then opens Apple Maps to get directions.
Search for an app on the App Store, then copy its link to the system clipboard. Also includes a prompt to show the price.
For the specified Apple TV, resumes playing the currently-active program.
Opens the link to Search in Threads so you can find posts about specific topics.
Opens the Wallet app to the show the pass card for travel lounge access – I use mine with Chase Priority Pass.
Lets you pick from all the podcasts you’re subscribed to and lets you share the names, links, or feeds quickly.
Opens a set of apps designed for everyday use in the studio – includes Widgetsmith, Fantastical, Freeform, Music, and Photos.
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