Opens Twitch on the Apple TV, or opens the website in fullscreen if run from Mac.
Prompts you to choose from a dictionary of your favorite streamers and opens the link to their channel.
Opens Twitch.TV on your Mac – works remotely from your other devices too.
Gets your Parked Car location and shows it in a preview.
Lets you create a new event or pick an existing one, has you choose contacts, then adds them to event (sending out invites automatically).
Opens the Wallet app to the gift card of your choice – perhaps your favorite coffee chain.
Opens the curated playlists for each genre page in Apple Music (formerly A-List playlists).
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > RTT to let you adjust “Real-time Text,” described by Apple as “a service offering more reliability, better text support, and the ability to speak and hear during a call” with Software and Hardware options.
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