Opens the Reviews category on the MacStories website where the team posts app coverage and reviews.
Presents a menu of MacStories shows, then plays the next episode from the selected show based on the preselected custom sort order (or default order from the Podcasts app).
Opens the tag page on the MacStories website for stories marked with “Shortcuts.”
Opens the MacStories profile in the Mastodon app or on the web.
Opens the Shortcuts Archive page on the MacStories website where the team hosts over 300 shortcuts freely available to download.
Opens the “Advertise” page on the MacStories website where brands can learn more about how to sponsor the website and advertise to the passionate group of MacStories readers.
Opens the Apple Podcasts link for the MacStories channel, where you can discover and follow podcasts from the network.
Accepts a Thread link, scrapes it, then OCRs the text, asks for a title, and creates a linked post in Ulysses.
Opens the Mobility tab of the Health app where you can see data like Walking Speed, Walking Step Length, Double Support Time, Walking Asymmetry, Sait Speed, Walking Steadiness, Six-Minute Walk, and your Cardio Fitness.
Takes the file from input and emails it to your Send To Kindle email address.
Creates a blank document in the horizontal orientation, for printing in landscape.
Opens the Wallet app to the gift card of your choice – perhaps your favorite coffee chain.
Use this shortcut to quickly access, organize, and edit your Quick Actions shortcuts set as Services on macOS.
This shortcut uses the Open Folder action, which includes the auto-generated folders Shortcuts creates for features like Quick Action.
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