Email shortcuts

Shortcuts for staying on top of your email in Mail or Gmail.

Use these shortcuts to check your email, save drafts or email yourself, and generate your signature to paste into the body.

Email is the universal inbox for the internet age and, while it’s not as culturally popular as something like social media, it will never go away as a good method of communication.

Shortcuts makes it easier to perform the kind of email automation that’s normally not accessible to everyday people – you can Mail Merge from a contact list and send batch emails, you can create rich formatting on iOS using Markdown, and Email Automations for iOS make it easy to act on an email after it comes in.

Email myself

Save a short note to yourself by dictating or typing in the body, then automatically sending the email to your own email address with a canned title.

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Search Twitter

Presents a menu for various Twitter search operations, including jumping right into the search field, showing Twitter Moments, searching through all tweets, cutting down results to only people you follow, or even searching your own tweets.

With this one tool, you can take advantage of all the awesome options buried in Twitter search – it’s like Google for people you follow.

This uses a combination of donated actions from Twitter, the Search Web action native to Shortcuts, and deep links taken from the web.

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