Copies a prefilled email address to your clipboard to paste elsewhere.
Save a short note to yourself by dictating or typing in the body, then automatically sending the email to your own email address with a canned title.
Takes a pre-written email signature written in Markdown and converts it to rich text, then copies to it the clipboard to be pasted into the body an email.
Opens my email app of choice Gmail so I can immediately see relevant emails, then quickly filter out anything I don’t care about.
Asks you to enter a subject line and then a message, then saves both as an email draft in the Mail app.
Opens into the Touch section of Accessibility settings to let you control features like AssistiveTouch, Reachability, Haptic Touch, Touch Accommodations, Tap or Swipe to Wake, Shake to Undo, Prevent Lock to End Call, Call Audio Routing, and Back Tap control
Sets a reminder a little over an hour from now so that you can unload the dishes.
Sets a reminder 7 hours from now letting me know once my rechargable batteries are finished.
Sets a reminder to do the laundry in a few days based on a number you input.
Tells your device to start listening for any sounds you’ve chosen.
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