Save a short note to yourself by dictating or typing in the body, then automatically sending the email to your own email address with a canned title.
Takes a pre-written email signature written in Markdown and converts it to rich text, then copies to it the clipboard to be pasted into the body an email.
Asks you to enter a subject line and then a message, then saves both as an email draft in the Mail app.
Opens my email app of choice Gmail so I can immediately see relevant emails, then quickly filter out anything I don’t care about.
Copies a prefilled email address to your clipboard to paste elsewhere.
Gets driving directions from your current location to the pre-programmed address of your AirBnb (add it here upon booking).
Asks you to enter a name on import, then looks for a note with the name and “wishlist” and creates one if not found – then, adds any links from the Share sheet or asks you to enter in a new item, then appends it to the list automatically.
Asks you to enter a destination and the number of people, then requests a ride using your app of choice.
Asks you to select a contact, then let’s you choose to message, call, FaceTime, or email them, along with prompts for the message if needed.
Gets the latest 50 screenshots and lets you choose which ones to delete, defaulting to Select All.
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