Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
For a given YouTube channel URL, isolates the channel ID using Match Text.
Gets a YouTube video from your channel RSS feed, isolates the ID, and opens the live chat pop-out window.
For a given YouTube Channel ID, creates a RSS feed link for that channel.
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Opens the Apple TV app on the selected TV, then shows the Remote so you can pick something from your Up Next or a connected service.
For a given contact, asks you to enter a payment amount (which is then divided by 2), then asks for a description, and sends the split total as a payment to the contact.
Opens Amazon to your list of recent purchases that you might want to buy again.
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