Set default device settings
Sets appearance, Night Shift, True Ton, brightness, and volume to your preset choices – including options for daytime or evening.
Puts the current Mac disk and display to sleep.
Sets appearance, Night Shift, True Ton, brightness, and volume to your preset choices – including options for daytime or evening.
Puts the current display to sleep (while still keeping the device awake)
Displays device details in a prompt, incluing OS, device type, system version, system build number, device model, device hostname, and the device name.
Turns Night Shift on or off depending on the current state, removing the blue light accordin
Gets the current battery state, checking for connection or charging status and showing the total battery level as a percentage.
Opens to News stories about the NBA, including scores, schedules, teams, and special curated categories for events like the Playoffs.
Deselect a speaker and remove it from the playback group.
Opens so you can pick from a device to get help with, reset your Apple ID or password, schedule a repair, and manage billing and subscriptions.
Creates a post on your blog linking back to a chosen Letterboxd entry.
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