Toggle the Bedroom lights
Sets the Hue lamps on the side tables in my bedroom on or off.
Opens the Alexa app, which can be set to automatically listen for responses when opened.
Sets the Hue lamps on the side tables in my bedroom on or off.
Sets the Hue light in my kitchen on or off depending on the current state.
Turns the main lighting of Hue lamps, light strips, and Go bulbs in my studio space on or off.
Sets the “I’m Working” scene, turning on my office lights to optimal levels for the workday.
Checks the temperature sensor levels in the main room, converting values to readable numbers before presenting them.
Opens your personal Disney+ account – when show from web, shows billing details not shown on iOS.
Presents a list of Jazz radio stations on Apple Music, then opens the link to immediately start playing the station.
Accesses the Transistor API and extracts the episode data in a nicely-formatted view. Requires the Actions app.
Puts the current display to sleep (while still keeping the device awake)
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