Choose from Menu
Presents a menu and runs different actions based on which menu item was chosen.
Pick from Apple’s cool movement-based Dynamic presentations in Keynote – including Light, Dark, and Rainbow options.
Presents a menu of Portfolio-style presentations to create in Keynote – choose from Industrial, Blueprint, Graph Paper, Chalkboard, Photo Portfolio, and Leather Book.
Presents a menu of Basic themes from Keynote to create – choose from Basic White, Basic Black, Classic White, White, and Black.
Presents a list of Bold presentation themes available in Keynote – choose from Bold Color, Showcase, Briefing, Academy, Modern Type, and Exhibit
Creates a presentation from your “My Themes” section, which appears when you use Edit > Save Theme in Keynote.
Presents your presentations in Keynote, asks you to pick one, and opens it in Rehearsal Mode.
Asks you to choose between Miniminal themes in Keynote – pick from Basic Color, Color Gradient Light, Color Gradient, Gradient, Showroom, Modern Portfolio, Slate, and Photo Essay.
Takes you into the Sounds settings, located in Settings > Sounds and Haptics on iOS and System Settings > Sounds on macOS.
Opens search results for “Shortcuts release notes”
Sets appearance, Night Shift, True Ton, brightness, and volume to your preset choices – including options for daytime or evening.
Opens Freeform, then presses the keyboard shortcut for opening the Color picker.
Runs AppleScript to activate the keyboard shortcut Command + Shift + N to create a new temporary chat in ChatGPT that doesn’t get saved.
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