Opens the link to Apple’s Get Support page where you can view a product and schedule personalized support.
Opens so you can pick from a device to get help with, reset your Apple ID or password, schedule a repair, and manage billing and subscriptions.
Asks you to enter your query, then encodes the text and opens the URL on Apple’s website to the search results.
Dials the number for 1-800-APL-CARE, the phone number for getting assistance with products for which you’ve purchased AppleCare.
Opens the new top-level page for Manuals, Specs, and Downloads on the Apple Support website.
Dials the number for 1-800-MY-APPLE, the customer service line for Apple Support.
Dictates text, then splits it by new lines and adds them to Reminders in your groceries list.
Opens the Slo-Mo mode in the Camera app – mine is set to 1080p 240 fps.
Looks for incomplete reminders that contain URLs, then lets you pick from the list and open the links in Safari.
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