Create Voice Memos folder
Prompts you to enter a name, then generates a folder in Voice Memos.
Prompts you to pick from your main list of voice memos and opens it.
Prompts you to enter a name, then generates a folder in Voice Memos.
Prompts you to pick from your list of voice memos and plays one immediately.
Immediately starts playing the most recent voice memo taken.
Prompts you to pick from your Voice Memos folders and opens one.
Switches to your default Wallpaper, untied from any Focus mode.
Opens the “My Purchases” section of your Fandango accounts to see recent tickets you’ve purchased.
Pick from Apple’s cool movement-based Dynamic presentations in Keynote – including Light, Dark, and Rainbow options.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for EDC’s series of live sets from over the years.
Stores multiple List titles and IDs that you can pick from to open into Ivory.
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