Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Views the Docs category in the Content section of Amazon’s “Manage Your Content and Devices” for Kindle.
Sets a reminder 4 hours from the current time that your Kindle is done charging.
Opens Kindle Unlimited to let you manage your digital content, to deliver, remove, or return your book.
Opens Amazon to the Digital Content page of “Manage Your Content and Devices” to show your Kindle books.
Takes the file from input and emails it to your Send To Kindle email address.
Opens a Shortcuts folder of your choosing; accepts the name of a folder as input as well.
Activates sound cancelling on AirPods Pro or AirPods Max, then starts Podcasts.
Opens various apps you want running in the Menu Bar like Alfred, Plex, or 1Password.
Presents a menu of your gamertags so you can copy and share them with friends.
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