Move events across calendars

Transfers events for the next day from one calendar to another.

Actions Used

Find Calendar Events
Searches for the calendar events in your library that match the given criteria. Allows for sorting, changing the order, and limiting the number passed as a result.
Add New Event
Creates a new event and adds it to the selected calendar.
Repeat with Each
Takes a list of items as input, and runs the contained actions once for each item in the list.
Tests if a condition is true, and if so, runs the actions inside. Otherwise, the actions under “Otherwise” are run.
Choose from List
Presents a menu of the items passed as input to the action and outputs the user’s selection. Prompt The instruction provided when the list is presented. Select Multiple When enabled, multiple items may be chosen from the list.
Show Result
Shows the specified text in Siri or in an alert.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “Move events across calendars” end tell

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