Opens Amazon’s dedicated page for its Holiday Gift Guide with curated recommendations and discounted items.
“Our products most often added to Wishlists and Registries. Updated daily.”
Opens the portal page for their Basics line of products that Amazon produces for commonly-purchased items.
Opens the curated section of Amazon that suggests products based on your past purchase and browsing history.
Opens Amazon to your list of recent purchases that you might want to buy again.
Opens your Amazon wish list page where you can curate items you want, and share your lists with others.
Asks for a query, finds notes, presents a list of options, and opens the chosen note.
Opens the category page on Amazon for products for the house, like gardening, kitchen supplies, furniture, and bedding.
Takes a location shared as input, or if none, the current location, and opens the webpage in a popover so you can see the WalkScore of the neighborhood. Shows how easy it is to walk around, the access to transit, and how bicycle-friendly the roads are.
Opens the link to Apple’s Get Support page where you can view a product and schedule personalized support.
Simple shortcut for an App Automation for the IMDB app to instead open Callsheet – this name will appear as the title of your automation.
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