Open my Account on the App Store
Opens the Account page of the App Store app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Opens the Arcade tab on the App Store app where you can see games available with the subscription.
Opens the Account page of the App Store app on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Open the Subscriptions page of the App Store where you can manage recurring purchases for your apps.
Opens the App Store app to the Today page on iOS and iPadOS or the Discover page on macOS.
Asks you for a query, then finds up to 25 results from the App Store and asks you which one to open. Change the “Results” parameter to iPad or Mac to specify for those platforms.
Opens the App Store Search page where you can look for games and apps or see curated categories.
Asks you to input a list of app names, then iterates through the list searching for resulting, presenting them to you, and opening the app in the App Store so you can download it before returning to Shortcuts to continue.
Asks you to pick from completed grocery reminders and removes them.
Opens into Settings > Display on iOS and System Settings > Displays on macOS so you can arrange your Mac or iPad displays accordingly.
Opens the Podcasts app for Apple TV on the selected device, thne shows the remote so you can pick something to listen to
Opens the Apple Music curator page for Essentials playlists of the top tracks from popular artists – great for playing across an artist’s discography instead of picking an album.
Switches the Apple Watch always-on display on or off depending on your last setting.
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