Opens into the special News+ Spotlight section of the News app curated by Apple editors, including sections like Conversation Starters, Better Living, Weekend Reads, Good News, and Best of News+.
Opens to the full “Local” area in the Apple News app. Create your own for your Local news section.
Opens into the Saved Stories tab of the News app, where you can quickly access news stories you’ve saved for later – I’ll often save multiple stories as I browse, then visit this tab to read them all one-by-one.
Uses the Show Topic action from News to open into the main Technology news category, which I’ve found is a good superset or generic term that captures all the best stories from tech subjects I’m interested in before I dive into more specific topics.
Opens to News stories about the NBA, including scores, schedules, teams, and special curated categories for events like the Playoffs.
Plays the Podcasts station I’ve designed around Productivity shows.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press Command + Shift + Option + C to copy the URL of the current session at your specific timestamp to your clipboard, so you can jump back to that moment at any time.
Takes an image from Photos or Files and encodes it into a long string of characters than be decoded back into the original image.
Opens a template board that I duplicate each time I start a new video.
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