Opens the Notifications tab of Bluesky so you can see mentions, follower requests, and engagement such as likes and reposts.
Using your Bluesky username, opens the link to your Followers list.
Opens the Lists tab of Bluesky, showing your user-created lists and letting you create a new one.
Using your username, opens the link to your profile on Bluesky.
Opens the Chat tab of Bluesky so you can see your messages, start a new chat, and change your chat settings.
Opens the Home feed on Bluesky so you can see your Discover and Following feeds, plus any pinned Lists.
Using your Bluesky username, opens the link to the list of people you are Following.
Takes PNGs from input, resizes them to 2048px wide, appends a number for each image found, and asks you where to save it in Files.
Takes a URL from input and makes it open into Safari by opening a temporary webpage.
Asks you to enter a query, then searches Pocket using that term and lets you choose from the results to open in Safari.
Switches notifications for @-mentions in the Notes app on or off.
Wakes the Apple TV and sets the playback destination to that device, making any videos play over AirPlay.
Records normal quality audio, starting or stopping with your tap, then encoding the recorded audio to AIFF before saving to to a folder of your choice.
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