Share game code
Presents a menu of your gamertags so you can copy and share them with friends.
Opens the Discord app for Mac or iOS.
Presents a menu of your gamertags so you can copy and share them with friends.
Sets the scene in my office where I play games that turns off the light direclt behind me to reduce monitor glare.
Asks what game was played, how it ended, and what you could learn from it, then logs it in Notes with the time stamp.
Turns Night Shift on or off depending on the current state, removing the blue light accordin
Gets the width and height of the current screen and displays the pixel dimensions.
Gets base64-encoded text for the Apple Pay ping sound, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Asks you to pick two time zones, then calculates the offset compared to each other.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Focus so you can change details or adjust Home Screens.
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