Shows your Watchlist of movies and series saved for lon Disney+.
Opens Marvel-branded content on Disney+ like The Avengers movies.
Opens the “Edit Profiles” page which lets you select between your profiles and change the details.
Shows the Star Wars category of content in Disney+ like the three trilogies, TV shows, or animated serie
Opens the special Disney category in Disney+ to show their own-branded material like movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Opens the Movies category on Disney+ to show feature films from the servi
Resizes the Apple Developer window to the second screen at my preferred size for taking screenshots, then opens Craft and centers it on the main display.
Accesses the Transistor API to retrieve your analytics data, then summarizes the total downloads over the last 14 days.
Opens the deep link to Threads’ Create menu so you can post a new thread. On Mac, opens the Threads website.
Prompts to enter the name of a mind map to link to, using the shortcut input or clipboard as default text if present, then encodes the name into a MindNode deep link and copies it to the clipboard.
From a list of subreddit names, lets you choose a subreddit, pull items from its RSS feed, and choose from the results before opening it into the Apollo app for Reddit.
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