Opens the editor page in Apple Music for EDC’s series of live sets from over the years.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for the Boiler Room, a series of shows for underground dance music with a webam showing the set.
Shares the link to your Apple Music profile found in the Music app.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for Soulection radio, a laid-back show that airs on Sunday nights.
Opens the deep link into Apple Music TV, immediately starting the currently-playing music videos.
Plays the automatic Favorites Mix curated by Apple Music for you, updated Mondays.
Opens the QuickBooks mobile app so you can log mileage for business trips directly in the app.
Turns the studio lights to softer color temperatures and turns off all the lights in the rest of the houhse.
Shares a duplicate of your personal contact card designed only for business.
Takes a pre-defined list of items inputted in the Text action, splits it by new lines, and adds each to one Things list (a project or Area) along with the same checklist for each task.
Opens the Regal Crown Club section for Concessions and Ticket rewards, like discounts on popcorn or free passes or upgrades.
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