Plays the personalized radio station curated for you by Apple Music.
Opens the deep link into Apple Music TV, immediately starting the currently-playing music videos.
Opens the curated pages of playlists for various Moods included in Apple Music.
Kick off some energetic tracks from your Get Up Mix in Apple Music, with new tracks added every Tuesday.
Shares the link to your Apple Music profile found in the Music app.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for Soulection radio, a laid-back show that airs on Sunday nights.
Finds 25 random songs from the last 12 weeks and starts playing it on shuffle.
Asks you to enter a query, then passes it to Arc Search with “Browse for me” enabled to collect links and summarize results automatically.
Checks for anyone whose birthday is today and starts a message to wish them a happy birthday.
Gets a YouTube video from your channel RSS feed, isolates the ID, and opens the live chat pop-out window.
Opens the Reviews category on the MacStories website where the team posts app coverage and reviews.
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