Manage Comixology Unlimited collection
Opens your Amazon profile to the Digital Content management page for Comixology Unlimited where you can do things like delete comics or add them to collections.
Given a preset dictionary of your comic titles and unique IDs, asks you to pick which comic to open on the web.
Opens your Amazon profile to the Digital Content management page for Comixology Unlimited where you can do things like delete comics or add them to collections.
Opens the “See More” link on your personalized Comixology storefront curating Best Sellers for you based on your collection.
Opens the “See More” link in the New Releases section of your Comixology home on the Amazon website where you can see comics curated for you that are top sellers.
Opens to the curated page on the Comixology storefront where you can see recommendations based on pages you’ve visited on Amazon.
Opens the “See More” link from your curated Comixology homepage to the “Discover a new comic series” page on Amazon.
Prompts you to enter a total length, then divides it in half and starts a timer for both durations.
Lets you quicky add characters like parantheses, brackets, or quotes before and after a string of text.
Activates Endel’s “Move” mode that generates a soundscape at a specific beat based on your walking pace.
Adds data to Health that you brushed you teeth, either at the current time or an earlier date you input.
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