Opens the deep link into the TV app to the Movies and TV Trailers section.
Gets 10 items from Apple’s RSS feed for top TV seasons, presents the options to you, and opens the URL for your choice into iTunes.
Gets the top 10 TV episodes currently sold on iTunes and opens the URL of your choice.
Opens the page for Apple Marketing Tools to generate RSS feeds for various iTunes properties from Apple.
Gets the top 10 movies currently sold on iTunes, asks you to choose from the list, and opens the URL of your choice.
Opens the Store tab of the TV app to show the top TV shows and Movies that are on sale.
Shows options for various ways to watch video, whether picture-in-picture on the current device or using an Apple TV setup. Includes scenes for TV mode and movie mode, a way to quickly put lyrics onto an Apple TV, and a quick link to the latest $0.99 rental in iTunes.
Accepts a Thread link, scrapes it to retrieve a truncated excerpt, asks for a title, and creates a linked post in Ulysses.
Opens the URL for the Analytics page for your Transistor podcast.
Gets the daily forecast, asks you to choose dates, then gets Golden Hour times for each day.
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