What’s the rental of the week?

Gets the latest RSS item from $0.99 Rentals, gets the URL from the page, and opens it in iTunes.

Actions Used

Get Contents of URL
Gets the contents of URLs passed into the action. Useful for downloading files and web content, or for making API requests. Includes GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE methods, and options to add headers. To make a multipart HTTP request, choose “Form” as the request body type and add files as field values.
Get URLs from Input
Returns any links found in the output from the previous action.
Open URLs
Opens URLs passed into the action in Safari (or the corresponding app if it’s a deep link).
Get Item from List
Returns one or more items from the list passed as input. You can get the first item, the last item, a random item, the item at a particular index, or items in a range of indexes.
Get Items from RSS Feed
Downloads the latest items from an RSS feed.

Extra Details

Run Shortcut deep link
Open Shortcut deep link
AppleScript code
tell application “Shortcuts Events” run shortcut “What’s the rental of the week?” end tell

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