Opens MindNode – if run from iPad, opens in Slide Over.
Prompts to enter the name of a mind map to link to, using the shortcut input or clipboard as default text if present, then encodes the name into a MindNode deep link and copies it to the clipboard.
Takes any text you’ve copied and pasts it into a new Quick Entry for a mind map in MindNode.
Opens the Stream Deck folder in Dropbox or Apps to your profile backups.
Using a text field populated from “List Folder names,” lets you select multiple folders, grabs the shortcut names from all of the folders, and lets you copy out the titles.
Shows the Search tab in Ivory, which shows the Trending posts feature under Browse.
Checks the temperature sensor levels in the main room, converting values to readable numbers before presenting them.
This shortcut Asks you to enter a time and sets an alarm called “Apple Preorder.”
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