“Our most popular products ordered as gifts. Updated daily.”
Opens the Amazon category page for pets like dogs, cats, and hamsters.
Opens the category page on Amazon for products for the house, like gardening, kitchen supplies, furniture, and bedding.
Opens Amazon’s dedicated page for its Holiday Gift Guide with curated recommendations and discounted items.
“Our products most often added to Wishlists and Registries. Updated daily.”
Opens the portal page for their Basics line of products that Amazon produces for commonly-purchased items.
Takes you to the page on Amazon where you can set up subscription orders for repeat purchases.
Opens into the Health app to the Clinical Notes section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Opens the Apple Fitness app on the selected device, then shows the Remote so you can pair your Apple Watch and begin a workout.
Opens the Software Update section of Settings to see if new betas and updates are available.
Save the foreground subject of any photo at the image’s original size.
Takes your work email added on import and searches the Passwords database for all matching logins.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Siri and Search > Language to let you change between one of the many options available.
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