Shows your Mastodon filters in Ivory, including users, keywords, and hashtags.
Shows the Mentions-only tab in Ivory with replies to your Mastodon posts.
Shows the Search tab in Ivory, which shows the Trending posts feature under Browse.
Asks you for a query, then searches your posts or Mastodon users in Ivory.
Prompts you to pick between Mastodon accounts set up in Ivory.
Turns Night Shift on or off depending on the current state, removing the blue light accordin
Shows the current Battery Level on wireless devices, as well as the connected or charging status when plugged in. For always-on devices, shows a simple prompt.
Connects to AirPods and activates the Adaptive Mode new to iOS 17.
Opens a set of apps designed for everyday use near your living room couch – includes Letterboxd, TV Forecast, Fandango, IMDB, and a menu choosing between TV, Disney, Amazon Prime, MAX, Plex, or Juno.
Opens the Camera to take a photo, then adds it to your Parked Car location.
Starts playing your personalized Apple Music radio station, sets a timer for 10 minutes, and turns on the water lock with your Apple Watch face of choice.
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