Opens the “TV” tab in the Netflix app using the “Genre” deep link from the website.
Opens the “My List” link taken from which redirects into the page of movies and TV shows you’ve saved in the app.
Opens the “Watch It In One Night” page from that curates full series or movies that you can binge in an evening.
Opens the “New and Popular” page of the Netflix website, showing sections like “New on Netflix,” “Worth the Wait,” “Coming This Week,” “Coming Next Week,” and Top 10 TV Shows and Movies in your country.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
Opens the Completed list in the Reminders app where you can see previously marked-off tasks.
Opens the Wallet app to show the preselected credit card that you use for most regular expenses.
Asks you to give a search query, then passes it to the Google app to show results.
Wakes a specified Apple TV, opens an app of your choosing, then shows the digital Remote Control.
Utilizes AppleScript to open the Developer and press the Command + or keyboard command that adds a session to your bookmarks (or removes it).
Opens the AirBnb help portal for guests where see guides for getting started, and to get help with your reservations, account, and more.
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