Get Youtube Channel ID
For a given YouTube channel URL, isolates the channel ID using Match Text.
Gets a YouTube video from your channel RSS feed, isolates the ID, and opens the live chat pop-out window.
For a given YouTube channel URL, isolates the channel ID using Match Text.
For a given YouTube Channel ID, creates a RSS feed link for that channel.
Plays the Connected podcast from Relay.FM with Myke Hurley, Stephen Hackett, and Federico Viticci.
Opens the or publish or page of Mastodon so you can create a post.
Gets biking directions to your work address – for daily use.
Opens to the Feeds tab of Bluesky, showing My Feeds and the Discover New Feeds section.
Given your custom Club MacStories RSS feed, this will retrieve the 25 latest items published for members-only and asks you which links you want to open.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut to activate Spotlight or Alfred, letting you type in your workflow command.
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