Open Starred items
Pulls your Starred items from Reeder and asks you to choose one to open.
Asks you to choose from your Read Later tags, then searches your unread stories and asks you to pick from the results, then opens that item.
Pulls your Starred items from Reeder and asks you to choose one to open.
Asks you for a keyword and website domain to search, then looks across all items in your Read Later in Reeder and asks you to open one.
Pulls archived items from a specific tag and extracts the title/URL from the choice, separated by two tabs and copied to the clipboard so it can be pasted across columns in a spreadsheet.
Asks you to enter a keyword, then seaerches all items in your Read Later and asks you to pick one to open in the app.
Gets a preset number of items from your unread list in Reeder, asks you to pick one, and opens it in the app.
Searches The Movie Database for a movie using Toolbox Pro, extracts the ID, and opens the deep link into Callsheet.
Pulls from a note of favorite albums in Notes and plays the full set right away.
Activates Stage Manager and deactivates the “Show Dock” setting so only Recent Apps are shown.
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