Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Side Button where you can adjut the Click Speed, Press and Hold to Speak, and Side Button Confirmation for Switch Control and AssistiveTouch.
Opens the Sound Recognition section of Accessibility settings and lets you toggle the feature on or off, see how much storage is used, and choose which sounds to recognize.
Increase the text size on your device (and reset it) as needed. Includes options for “Easier,” “Monitor Stand” (my custom setup), and “Defaults.”
Opens the deep link into Accessibility > Voice Control to so you can toggle the feature on or off to allow you to use your voice to control your device, even when you are on calls. Page also includes a link to the Voice Control Guide, controls for Language, Commands, Vocabulary, and options for Show Confirmation, Play Sound, Show Hints, Continuous Overlay, and Attention Aware.
Opens into Settings > Accessibility > Zoom to let you toggle the feature on or off to magnify the entire screen with a double tap, three-finger drag, and double tap three fingers, as well as features like Follow Focus, Smart Typing, Keyboard Shortcuts, Zoom Controller, Zoom Region, Zoom Filter, Show while Mirroring, and Maximum Zoom Level.
Opens into the Motion section of Accessibility sesttings to let you control features like Reduce Motion, Auto-Play Message Effects, Auto-Play Animated Images, Dim Flashing Lights, Auto-Play Video Previews, and Limit Frame Rate.
Opens the Audio or Visual section of Accessibility settings where you can adjust Headphone Accomations, Background Sounds, Mono Audio, Power On and Off Sounds, Headphone Notifications, Balance, and LED Flash for Alerts.
Enable or disable the ability to Quick Note to open to your most-recent note every item or create a new note.
Gets biking directions to your work address – for daily use.
Opens into the Health app to the Medication Records section of your Health Records where you can “connect to your providers to see your health records and get updates when there’s a new entry.”
Scrapes a Threads post, gets the embed code using the URL and username, and copies it to the clipboard.
Opens the editor page in Apple Music for Soulection radio, a laid-back show that airs on Sunday nights.
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