Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Subtitles and Captioning where you can enable or disable Closed Captions + SDH. Also includes options for the Style, and whether to Show Audio Transcriptions for announcements from HomePod.
Opens into Settings > Accessibility > Zoom to let you toggle the feature on or off to magnify the entire screen with a double tap, three-finger drag, and double tap three fingers, as well as features like Follow Focus, Smart Typing, Keyboard Shortcuts, Zoom Controller, Zoom Region, Zoom Filter, Show while Mirroring, and Maximum Zoom Level.
Opens into the Display and Text Size section of Accessibility settings and lets you customize features like Bold Text, Larger Text, Button Shapes, On or Off Labels, Reduce Transparency, Increase Contract, Differentiate Without Color, Prefer Horizontal Text, Smart Invert, Classic Invert, Color Filters, Reduce White Point, and Auto-Brightness.
Opens into the Motion section of Accessibility sesttings to let you control features like Reduce Motion, Auto-Play Message Effects, Auto-Play Animated Images, Dim Flashing Lights, Auto-Play Video Previews, and Limit Frame Rate.
Opens the deep link in Accessibility > Spoken Content where you can adjust settings like Speak Selection, Speak Screen, Highlight Content, Typing Feedback, Voices, Default Language, Speaking Rate, and Pronunciations.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Audio Descriptions where you can toggle the feature on or off to, when available, automatically play audio descriptions.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut to let you configure the Side Button to toggle accessibility feautres on or off.
Choose between Apple Watch Mirroring, AssistiveTouch, Background Sounds, Classic Invert, Color Filters, Control Nearby Devices, Detection Mode, Dim Flashing Lights, Increase Contrast, Left or Right Balance, Live Captions, Live Speech, Magnifier, Reduce Motion, Reduce Transparency, Voice Control, Reduce White Point, Smart Invert, Switch Control, VoiceOver, Zoom, Full Keyboard Access, and Speak Screen.
Opens the Halide app to Depth Mode so you can take “Portait Mode”-like photos using depth data.
Gets the daily forecast for the current location, looks at the second item for tomorrow, and gets basic details.
Presents a menu of the six Lord of the Rings movies, with corresponding deep links into the TV app for each.
Asks you to type in the name of a shortcut, then opens it so you can edit the actions.
Save the foreground subject of any photo at the image’s original size.
Pulls 25 items from the MacStories main RSS feeds and asks you to choose which to open in Safari.
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