Open Things lists
Presents a menu to open into your Inbox, Today, Upcoming, Someday, Anytime, Logbook, or Deadlines in Things.
Presents a menu to open between Anytime, Work, or Personal areas.
Presents a menu to open into your Inbox, Today, Upcoming, Someday, Anytime, Logbook, or Deadlines in Things.
Asks you to type out your query, then oepns the deep link into Things to show your results.
Presents a menu of tags to choose from, then opens the Anytime view filtered to show those tasks.
Plays the automatic Favorites Mix curated by Apple Music for you, updated Mondays.
Presents a menu of your gamertags so you can copy and share them with friends.
Asks you to enter a destination, then opens driving directions in Apple Maps.
Save a short note to yourself by dictating or typing in the body, then automatically sending the email to your own email address with a canned title.
For links shared from videos playing inside a playlist, this will scrape out the ID and reformat it into the main playlist link.
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