Open Things by type of work
Presents a menu of tags to choose from, then opens the Anytime view filtered to show those tasks.
Presents a menu to open between Anytime, Work, or Personal areas.
Presents a menu of tags to choose from, then opens the Anytime view filtered to show those tasks.
Presents a menu to open into your Inbox, Today, Upcoming, Someday, Anytime, Logbook, or Deadlines in Things.
Asks you to type out your query, then oepns the deep link into Things to show your results.
Asks you to pick from your boards, then asks which name to change it to.
Opens the deep link into Accessibility > Voice Control to so you can toggle the feature on or off to allow you to use your voice to control your device, even when you are on calls. Page also includes a link to the Voice Control Guide, controls for Language, Commands, Vocabulary, and options for Show Confirmation, Play Sound, Show Hints, Continuous Overlay, and Attention Aware.
Takes a location as input or your current location and searches for nearby destinations noted as Landmarks, then opens your selected option in Maps.
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