Opens into the Touch section of Accessibility settings to let you control features like AssistiveTouch, Reachability, Haptic Touch, Touch Accommodations, Tap or Swipe to Wake, Shake to Undo, Prevent Lock to End Call, Call Audio Routing, and Back Tap control
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > RTT to let you adjust “Real-time Text,” described by Apple as “a service offering more reliability, better text support, and the ability to speak and hear during a call” with Software and Hardware options.
Opens the deep link into the Accessibility settings on iOS or the Universal Access preference pane on macOS.
Opens into Settings > Accessibility > Zoom to let you toggle the feature on or off to magnify the entire screen with a double tap, three-finger drag, and double tap three fingers, as well as features like Follow Focus, Smart Typing, Keyboard Shortcuts, Zoom Controller, Zoom Region, Zoom Filter, Show while Mirroring, and Maximum Zoom Level.
Opens the Accessibility settings for the Apple TV Remote, which include changes the swipe gestures to Directional Buttons only, and Live TV Buttons for guide and channel buttons.
Opens the deep link into Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut to let you configure the Side Button to toggle accessibility feautres on or off.
Choose between Apple Watch Mirroring, AssistiveTouch, Background Sounds, Classic Invert, Color Filters, Control Nearby Devices, Detection Mode, Dim Flashing Lights, Increase Contrast, Left or Right Balance, Live Captions, Live Speech, Magnifier, Reduce Motion, Reduce Transparency, Voice Control, Reduce White Point, Smart Invert, Switch Control, VoiceOver, Zoom, Full Keyboard Access, and Speak Screen.
Opens the deep link into the Accessibility settings for Switch Control, which allows you to use your iPhone by sequentially highlighting items on the screen that can be activated through an adaptive accesssory. Other options include settings for Switches, Recipe, Scanning Style, Auto Scanning Time, Pause on First Item, Loops, Move Repeat, Long Press, Tap Behavior, Focused Item After Tap, and keyboard, switch stabilization, point scanning, audio, and menu items controls.
Opens the “Movies” tab in the Netflix app by opening the URL taken from the website.
Asks for input, extracts the archive, and asks you where to save the new files.
Change the Number to the correct amount of nits for your device’s display if you don’t have an iPad Pro – look it up with “[device name] display nits” online.
Begins listening for dictation, then creates a note with your dictated text.
Asks you to enter a project name, client, then pick from tags or colors to create a new project in Toggle using Timery.
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