Start a recording session
Prompts you to enter a name, then begings a Voice memos recording.
Prompts you to pick from your Voice Memos folders and opens one.
Prompts you to enter a name, then begings a Voice memos recording.
Turns on the Enhance Recording feature of Voice Memos for a higher-quality file.
Prompts you to pick from your main list of voice memos and opens it.
Prompts you to pick from your list of voice memos and plays one immediately.
Prompts you for a query, then filters Voice Memos by their titles.
Turns my second Eve Switch on or off depending on its current state, which controls the secondary softbox in my studio space.
Takes the default embed code for multiple podcast episodes, inserts your podcast string, and copies the result to your clipboard to be pasted somewhere online.
Looks for photos taken in the last week, lets you pick which ones to save, then presents a list of your albums to choose where to save them.
Opens Settings to General > Keyboard > Hardware Keyboard for iPads with the Magic Keyboard attached.
Creates a new Checklist Total template spreadsheet in the Numbers app.
Replaces any special characters in the input with percent-encoding that makes it function properly in URLs.
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